The below reels contain footage that I both supervised on and worked on myself. Please enjoy :)

Select shots from RWBY Vol9 that I supervised on, worked by an incredible team of artists. Please see Resume for Supervisor resposibilities.

Select shots over multiple shows and seasons that I worked on as Lead Layout and Final Camera Artist. Responsible for layout and final cameras, as well as scene scouting, templating, and mocap processing.

Animatic in progress for my LOST Reboot Fanfic (hmu Lindelof!)

Director, Layout and Camera Reel for the series RWBY Chibi

Sizzle Reel from RTX 2016 showcasing RWBY Vol3

-Responsible for layout and final cameras, and editing the reel together.

Preview Demo of The ATX Gear Show, a series I produced, filmed, edited and provided voice overs for out of Austin, TX about music, music gear and comedy.